The day was expertly arranged by Maisie's brother Tom, who pushed every boundary to make the event the success that it was. The club kindly agreed to a tee closure to accommodate 18 teams of 4, but this grew on a daily basis until there were 30 teams signed up. Incredibly, every single one of the competitors who had committed to playing turned up on the day, ready to play.

Friends and family rallied around to make sure that everything ran like clockwork, even down to keeping the golfers refreshed with the occasional beer out on the course.

Back in the club house, everyone tucked in to the most delicious lasagne and the support for Tom, Maisie's family and the aims of The Foundation was overwhelming. The fact that Maisie herself was not a lover of golf, did not seem to upset anyone!

It was an absolutely amazing day and everyone involved with the MTF would like to thank the Burnham Golf Club for their hospitality and their incredible generosity. It was truly a day to remember and we cannot wait until the next one!